Hamilton Storage Technologies Inc. 193750 LABELITE I.D. READER

193750 - Hamilton Storage Technologies Inc. LABELITE I.D. READER

Warranty: 1 Year
Shipping: FOB Origin
Ships in: 8 Weeks
Country of Origin: United States
SIN: 333415
Part No:
GSA Schedule: Exp.:02 Feb. 2025

U.S. Government, Military
and Contractors only
Price: Do you qualify for GSA Schedule?


Hamilton Storage Technologies Inc. LABELITE I.D. READER

Automated 2-D barcode tube reader

The high-speed I.D. Reader automatically decodes 2-D barcoded tubes on all common tube racks, including honeycomb-shaped racks, providing complete sample tracking during sample processing.

The I.D. Reader combines 10 years of experience in imaging and decoding technology with top-notch hardware and software providing users with a reliable device for tracking samples in their laboratory.

Intelligent features like automatic rack type detection and integrated 1-D barcode reading set a new standard for tube rack readers.

Efficient Automated Barcode Reading
• Barcode reader processes a 96-microtube rack in less than 3 seconds, and a 384-tube rack in 5 seconds
• Cutting-edge decoding technology allows for robust and secure identification of even challenging codes

Flexible 1-D and 2-D Barcode Reading
• Optional 1-D barcode reading for racks
• Multiple tube heights can be read within the same rack
• Compatible with SiLA (Standard in Laboratory Automation)
• Highly-configurable output options for smooth integration into LIMS or databases

• Compact and ergonomic design supports efficient workflow
• Automatically detects the tube rack type to use optimal settings

Additional Details

  • Available NEW for official U.S. Government & Authorized Contractor purchase only
  • This is available to Authorized User Groups and Agencies for delivery to CONUS, Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico. Commercial and non-US entities are not authorized to purchase from GSA MSA contracts and may not reference GSA prices.
Type: GSA Schedule
Calibration: New

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